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Haven't filed taxed in years?
Filed incorrect returns? Need to amend?
Have you received IRS notices or State Audit?
Payroll taxes problems? Employment taxes issues? Tax clean up?
Didn’t file Form 941 tax returns for various quarters.
Didn’t file Form 940 tax returns for various years.
Did file the required IRS payroll tax returns, but didn’t have the money to pay the tax.
Do you owe back taxes?
Do you owe payroll taxes?
Have IRS placed liens on your pay check?
Owe IRS lots of money? Need an installment plan?
Need more time to pay your taxes?
Need payroll and sales tax representation at audit?
Have been contacted by the IRS or receive a State Audit?
Or other tax problems?
Do not worry! With years of experiences in IRS and State audits, we can help you resolve your tax issues quickly. Call 408-990-5467 for a free consultation.
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